Most realize that the educational system is broken.
A depressing 65 percent of all eighth-grade youth in America are considered
not proficient in math.
This means that after eight years of study,
they lack the basic math skills to succeed in life.
In some states,
such as Louisiana, West Virginia, and Mississippi,
a gloomy 80 percent of students lack math competency.
Fifty percent of all students in our major cities drop out of school
before they graduate from high school,
an alarming number of those who do graduate
are considered functionally illiterate.
But the true picture is much worse
the above statistics refer to students who fail the standardized tests.
Even those that do pass these tests do not necessarily
have the skills necessary to succeed.
This incompetency extends to all STEM subjects
since mathematics forms the basis for understanding all of
science, technology, and engineering.
But do not despair,
help is on the way!
So why does the current pedagogical system fail to educate the students,
how do we make it work?
The Problem
Two main issues.
Students do not learn to understand,
are taught to memorize.
page 95.
Brain-based educators
Renate and Geoffrey Caine point out how
most educators believe that learning occurs due to memorization.
In their book,
Making Connections,
they point out,
"This is like looking at the moon and believing
we have understood the solar system."
When faced with solving a problem in the real world,
students have no idea how to proceed because they
never developed the skills to think critically to
apply what they know to accomplish a goal.
Imagine a student given a screw driver without any idea of its purpose.
You place a screw in a vertical position,
tell the student to place the tip of the screw driver
on the head of the screw and turn.
Without an understanding of the purpose of the screw driver,
the student will not accomplish the goal of securing the screw.
The student has to understand the purpose of the screw driver to
maintain the correct angle,
apply the correct pressure and torque,
know when to stop.
Many advances in understanding,
which occurred
in the late nineteenth and throughout the twentieth century,
provide deep insight into physical phenomenon,
these concepts rarely appear in curriculums.
In fact,
in the 1950's,
a schism developed between mathematics and other STEM disciplines,
expanded as time progressed.
learning and exploiting modern mathematics requires
deep observation,
the ability to make associations.
The Solution
Offer courses in STEM subjects designed to accomplish the following.
Provoke the students to think,
discover the concepts they need to master
through carefully crafted questions and projects,
customized feedback.
Children enter the world with a natural curiosity,
the educational system,
social media,
society in general beats this curiosity out of them.
Reawakening the inquisitiveness of a student leads them to ask questions.
Once they start asking questions,
they begin learning.
Presenting carefully targeted questions and projects to a student
will then lead them to understanding of a particular topic.
the student will gain confidence in their own abilities.
With this confidence,
they can then tackle independently any problem or challenge presented them,
leading to a happy individual with a successful and fulfilling career.
Incorporate modern concepts early in a students career.
Mathematics grew from human observation of the world around them,
so relating mathematics to it provides the perfect vehicle
to develop a student's understanding of the concepts they need.
These concepts provide deep insight into the world around us,
make learning mathematics easier
because they expose the essence of mathematical behavior.
understanding these concepts will greatly accelerate a student's mastery of
physics, engineering, machine learning, and related subjects.
In the movie
the aliens,
visit Earth to provide us with a gift,
their language.
Truly speaking the Heptapod language expands one's consciousness.
So it is with mathematics.
Truly learning to speak mathematics expands your consciousness,
opening the door to understanding the universe.
Plan Forward
To implement the solution,
university professors have designed a radical methodology
for learning mathematics with no fear in a friendly
atmosphere at all levels.
The essence is to develop the understanding of basic mathematical concepts
in an integrated approach.
Features such as
logical thinking,
stimulation of the creative mind,
the ability of discovery are the center of our educational philosophy.
Making young people deeper observers and capable to relate
mathematics and science would have a significant impact
in identifying their interests and realization as human beings.
No more frustrations,
no more memorization,
full understanding of the fundamental notions required to advance in life.
During 70 years of combined teaching experience,
we have developed a
curriculum that encompasses most of modern mathematics.
This curriculum includes questions and projects
that promote true understanding.
Now we want to bring this curriculum to a larger audience.
We have started and want to complete
dividing the curriculum into modules.
Each module will focus on a particular mathematical concept,
its application to
other STEM subject.
We want to
expand our repertoire of introductory modules
to attract primary and secondary students.
We want to team with others in academia and industry to develop more
application modules and projects,
expand our audience.
We want to team with local schools to
offer in person presentation of modules and projects
further refine our narrative
create a local positive impact.
We want to migrate all the modules online
to expand our audience nationwide,
eventually globally.
Develop an advanced online feedback capability
to ensure each online student gets the full benefits of our program.
Develop automated feedback to maintain quality while expanding our reach.
Conduct pedagogical research to improve the quality of
the curriculum and the experience of the student.
general STEM research to provide more material to engage the students.
J. W. Wilson.
Cracking The Learning Code:
The Science That Is Transforming How The World
Learns, Motivates, And Changes Behaviours.
Learning Code Publishing,